Waste Solidification/Stabilization
Waste solidification/stabilization (S/S) is a widely used treatment for the management and disposal of a broad range of contaminated wastes, particularly those contaminated with substances classified as “hazardous” in the United States. The treatment involves mixing a binding reagent such as portland cement into the contaminated waste. The treatment immobilizes the contaminants within the treated material either through binding the waste in a matrix of cemented material (solidification), chemically altering the waste into an insoluble form (stabilization) or a combination of the two. Immobilization within the treated material prevents migration of the contaminants to human, animal, and plant receptors.
The wide use of portland cement in solidification/stabilization (S/S) systems has come about because it has many advantages, including availability and versatility, over other reagents. Using portland cement provides solidification, stabilization, and, to a limited extent, some sorption of liquids. Portland cement can be used by itself or with additives. Cement for solidification/stabilization (S/S) has a successful long-term performance record of over 70 years and will continue to play a role in the sustainable development of this country.
PCA’s Market Development Department is staffed with engineers experienced in the use of cement-based technologies for a wide variety of infrastructure applications, and they are available to answer your questions. Learn more about their expertise and how to contact them here: Meet the Experts.