PCA Education Foundation Research Fellowship
Proposal Format
Please use the following format when submitting fellowship proposals to PCA. The
proposal should not exceed four pages in length.
Project Title
Name, address, telephone number, email, area of study (civil engineering, etc.), and
Name, title, email, department, and a brief description of area of expertise and
University Information
Address, telephone, fax (if available) and website.
Project Objective
Concisely state the purpose of the research. Describe what problem is to be solved or what innovation is to be developed.
Significance of the Project (optional)
Mention how this research may affect the use of cement or concrete or the manufacture of cement.
Project Description and Research Plan
The research plan shall detail the project work program, including the submission of a final report. Describe how the objectives will be achieved through a logical, innovative, and rational scientific plan. Be concise, yet include sufficient detail to describe the approach to solve a problem. Numerate tasks to illustrate the anticipated progression of the project.
Provide a schedule for the completion of the research tasks.
State when the final report or thesis will be completed. The final report must be in a
format suitable for potential publication as a PCA research report in electronic format.
Further publication as a paper in a refereed technical journal is encouraged. Please allow 2 months for PCA to review a draft of the report prior to publishing.
Submit the proposal to:
James A. Farny
Director, Environmental
Measurement and Metrics
Portland Cement Association
Email: jfarny@cement.org