Full-Depth Reclamation (FDR)

Full-Depth Reclamation (FDR) with cement is a type of Soil-Cement and pavement rehabilitation method that involves recycling an existing deteriorated bituminous surface and its underlying base, subbase, and/or subgrade materials into a new stabilized base layer. The FDR process consists of the in-place pulverization of the existing roadway materials, applying and uniformly mixing in portland or blended cement and water, compacting with rollers, shaping with motor graders, and curing properly. The result is a stiff, stabilized base layer that is ready for a new bituminous or concrete surface course. FDR with cement saves money and reduces the carbon footprint of roadway construction projects by reducing mining, hauling, and disposal of basic construction materials.
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Sustainable Pavements with Full-Depth Reclamation
Design of Cement-Stabilized Bases
FDR uses the materials from the deteriorated asphalt pavement, and, with the addition of cement, creates a new stabilized base. A surface consisting of a thin bituminous chip seal, hot-mix asphalt, or portland cement concrete completes the road. The recycled base will be stronger, more uniform, and more moisture resistant than the original base, resulting in a long, low-maintenance life. And most important, recycling costs are typically 40 to 80 percent less than the removal and replacement of the old pavement.
Conserving construction materials through recycling with cement makes smart economic and strategic sense. A century of modern growth and urbanization in America has depleted once plentiful aggregate supplies. Frequently, aggregates either come from distant quarries at great expense or from local sources offering only marginal quality. Continuing to exhaust these valuable resources to rebuild existing roads only propagates and accelerates the problem.
FDR is just one of several cement-specific materials. See how it and others can be used in the following applications:
PCA’s Research and Technology Department is staffed with engineers experienced in the use of cement-specific materials for a wide variety of infrastructure applications, and they are available to answer your questions. Learn more about their expertise and how to contact them here:
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